Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Is DejaVu real or just a mirage?

Belief is one important aspect of the human race. As they do say, what you believe works for you.

But there are some certain things that does not work based on your personal belief.

Whether you believe it or not, somethings are bound to happen,  examples are natural laws like day and night, the law of birth and death, the law of gravity, laws of motion etc.

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There are still some happening that are metaphysical like using the position of a star to tell the fortune of a child by astrologers, 

     taking herbs to make it difficult for sharp objects to penetrate your body and performing of miracles or magic.

Recently my attention was drawn to a particular scenario that usually occur to me, it is called DejaVu. I was very surprised the first time I came across the word in my dictionary because it  explains my exact experience which I thought only occur to me.
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Do u actually believe Deja Vu is real or you are part of those who thinks it's just a mirage ?

Sometimes when I'm in the middle of doing something, the thought of,  this scene has played before flashes my subconscious like a flicker.

And this feeling  I have gotten several times that I have come to believe it's real but a friend of mine told me believing in Deja Vu is like also believing in the law of Reincarnation

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